Just a Minute Devotional #15
Muzzling our mouths
People who tell secrets about others cannot be trusted. Those who can be trusted keep quiet. (Proverbs 11:13, ERV)
Have you ever played the game Pass the Message? You whisper a message in the ear of the person next to you. They pass it to the next, and so on. The last person tells the message out loud. The message can change so drastically that it’s comical.
Passing a rumor can be similar to this children’s game. However, it’s never funny.
We hear a story that has the flavor of deprecating criticism concerning someone. This rumor is passed on to other listening ears, but each is told as received. Because our brain will fill in the blanks as we make subjectively based interpretations, we can spread evil without realizing the consequences.
We shouldn’t hide behind the guise of Christian concern and prayer requests when, in reality, we are merely passing rumors. Doing this can cause hurt feelings of betrayal. It's not comical, it’s not a child’s game, and it can be harmful.
The Bible tells us that it is wrong to pass hurtful rumors, especially when we use the fake mask of Christian concern.
We love a juicy story, but it’s wise not to pass it on to others. It’s best to muzzle our mouths and to privately pass it on to God in our prayers — and no one else.
Spreading rumors damages our credibility. Be trustworthy by keeping quiet.
Dear Father, Stop my lips from spreading hurtful rumors. Forgive me for the times I did not heed your warnings. Amen.