Just a Minute Devotional #4
Dealing graciously with a gift
When I was a young child, I received a gift. The problem was that I already had that item. But I didn’t miss a beat but graciously smiled and said, “Thank you very much.” The best part of the present was this: my mother later told me she was so proud of me.
Now, that was the prize.
The best presents are those given from a heart of love. They may not be gifts we need or even want, but the meaning behind them is all that matters. Mom’s prize for me on that day was her words of approval.
God’s ultimate gift to us is His boundless love and forgiveness. Our sins may not meet His approval, but through the sacrifice of His Son, we are forgiven and made new in Him. This gift is, beyond measure, a testament to His unconditional love for us.
Some may say,
“I never asked for it, needed it, or even wanted it.”
It matters not what we want. The transaction is complete.
The best thing to do is accept it and say, “Thank you!”