Kiteyaking is a New Sport for Me

Have you heard of it?

Dawn Ulmer


Photo by Sam Morrison, my son

What IS Kiteyaking? Well, it is a word I made up to describe it when I take my kayak out onto the lake and fly a kite while floating along. It’s FUN!

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. (Gal. 5:25, NLT)

How does this scripture fit in with my story? Let me begin….

When I was a little girl, I clearly remember my Dad taking me out to fly a kite. What a wonderful time it was…until I backed up holding the kite aloft and stepped into a mud puddle. Well, that was NOT fun!

When my son was small, I wanted him to have the excitement of flying a kite, too, so off we went. In those days, it seemed like kites weren’t made to FLY so our fun turned into a lesson in patience.

When my daughter was little, of course I wanted her to experience the joy of flying a kite. Kites seemed to be made better, lighter and more colorful. I was so excited about teaching her the fine art of kite flying that I actually created a kite out of fabric, dowels and string to match a little outfit I’d made her.

She looked cute but the fabric was really too heavy for successful kite flying. Thus, another lesson in patience!

When both kids were grown, I decided that I wanted to fly a kite again.


Why have I wanted to fly a kite through all these years?

When younger, I may not have had the words to explain but I now can say exactly WHY.

You see, the Holy Spirit is likened to the wind.

When I lift a kite up for the wind to catch it, in my hands I can feel the beginning of a gentle tug of that wind. Then, in cooperation with the wind, I gently allow the string to glide through my fingers until the kite is above, DANCING !

Since I can no longer RUN over the fields, lifting my kite just so…I decided to catch the wind coming over the lake’s water and used my KAYAK to do some kiteyaking.

Yes, I invented that sport (and the word)!

As far as I know, I’m the only one who ever did it. Plus, did it successfully.

Out into the kayak I went, balancing the kite and paddles in my watercraft. Of course, I had my camera, too. That balancing act was worth the challenge of it.

As I lifted the kite into the air, a slight breeze began to lift it into the blue of the skies.

The kite didn’t go that high but I was ECSTATIC that it lifted off and up!

There was no way that I could fly a kite, hang onto my paddles and take a photo, so my dear son took the photo, to my surprise! What a memorable day — I kiteyaked!

Here are some other scriptures in regard to God’s in the WIND:

…God remembered Noah in the ark and caused a WIND to pass over the earth, and the water subsided. (Genesis 8:1, TLB)

… Meanwhile, Moses stretched his rod over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the sea, with walls of water on each side; and a strong east WIND blew all that night, drying the sea bottom. (Exodus 14:21, TLB)

The Lord sent a WIND that brought quail from the sea and let them fall into the camp and all around it! (Numbers 11:31, TLB)

But as the ship was sailing along, suddenly the Lord flung a terrific WIND over the sea, causing a great storm that threatened to send them to the bottom. (Jonah 1:4, TLB)

Suddenly there was a sound like the roaring of a mighty WINDSTORM in the skies above them and it filled the house where they were meeting. (Acts 2:1–2, TLB)

…God brings the wind from His storehouses. (Psalm 135:7, NIV)

The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8, NKJV)

I hope you enjoy the WIND in an all new way and are reminded how God uses the wind as He chooses.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!