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Leaders Go First, Leaders Go Last
What kind of leader are you?
Leadership is a hot topic in America, especially in Christian circles. But we also have a long history of getting it wrong. The disciples had a specific idea of leadership that they imposed on Jesus. Jesus tried to prepare them for His kingdom and how things don’t work the same there. But until the unthinkable happened, they couldn’t grasp that Jesus was leading from a position of humility and suffering.
We, too, struggle with this concept, and if you pick up a Christian leadership book, you will find that if you change some of the keywords, it would be indistinguishable from most secular leadership books. But Christian Leadership is still antithetical to the world’s leadership style.
Leadership for a Christian is based on character, not on ability. It is based on how you live and the integrity that you demonstrate, not your level of influence. We are supposed to follow and emulate people who act according to Jesus’s teachings, not those who look the part or have a celebrity following. Those people tend to lead us astray. So here are a few examples of the character traits of Christian leaders.
Leaders Go First:
The Christian leader should lead from the front by setting an example and being steadfast in the truth, even when it is…