Living the Simple Life: Honor Your Limitations

You don’t have to do everything to be successful

Mary Gallagher


Photo by Dustin Belt on Unsplash

“Of all the disciplines simplicity is the most visible and therefore the most open to corruption.” — Richard J. Foster

I was working with a mom who was attempting to school ten children by herself. She had them enrolled in several different online schools and had to keep up with all their needs and requirements. Her culture required her to be the primary caregiver and teacher.

One day when we were alone she began to cry and said something like, “Mrs. Gallagher, how do you do it all? I wish I could be as successful as you.”

I affirmed her and helped her to see that she was trying to do too much (and comparing herself to me when I didn’t have the same responsibilities). She felt overwhelmed and like a failure, not because she was incapable or lacked the commitment, but because she was stretched well beyond her limits.

With community support and assistance from her spiritual advisers, we were able to help her simplify and make some changes that benefited her and her children.

A little stretching feels good but when we pull too hard and expect too much of ourselves we can do much harm. You don’t have to do it all, be everything, have it all.



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul