Living Up to ‘You’re So Strong’

5 ways to ‘muscle up’ as a caregiver

Julie Ranson
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2022


Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia Photo by Julie Ranson
Blue Ridge Mountains — Author Photo

Some days, I’m just not up to being strong. Being a caregiver is not a walk in the park, let’s be honest. I adore, absolutely positively adore, my husband.

He’s a terrific patient 95% of the time, and I suspect he’s rare in that great-to-problematic ratio. Because he’s such a darling man, the difficulties in caregiving occur in the other life circumstances I must manage. I’ve already written about having my calendar “blown up” and the perils of caring for hubby’s parrot.

There’s always something!

How does one manage to be impressively strong?

Today, dear husband sees in his patient portal that the prescription he’s been waiting for was called into Costco (a half-hour drive) rather than our usual neighborhood CVS minutes away.

I called Costco, found out it’s ready, and have made a plan to get it in the morning. No worries! Besides, it’s been a while since I strolled through Costco’s stacked-to-ceiling aisles.

And that’s the first how-I-manage-it on the list.

  1. It’s about attitude. I make lemonade out of lemons. My can-do attitude is borne out of the resilience I developed as a child. That resilience is likely…



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: