Love Is Not Just a Feeling; It Is an Action

How to love your neighbors when they are unlovable

Lindy Pegler


Man wearing a baseball cap with the words “love your neighbour” on it
Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash

Jesus tells us to:

Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:31, NIV)

This is not always easy to do. In fact, sometimes it seems impossible.

But, what we need to remember is that, love isn’t just a warm and fuzzy feeling. It is an action. It is the way we treat someone. Love is a verb. It is something we do — not necessarily something we just feel.

Sometimes we just can’t feel that warm and loving feeling toward someone. They may have wronged us. They may be very annoying. But we can put love into action. We can treat them with respect and treat them how we would like to be treated.

I have a friend named Mary.** More correctly, she is an acquaintance I have befriended. It is hard to feel affection for Mary. In fact, my life would probably be easier if I never saw Mary again. But God put her in my path. While I may not feel great love for Mary, I show love for her through my actions.
**I have changed this person’s name to protect her anonymity.

I met Mary at a soup kitchen where I volunteer. She was one of the clients. Mary is loud. She is often belligerent and swears a lot. She is 50 years old and has an…



Lindy Pegler

A high school teacher for years, I have Masters Degree in Psychology. My heart is the bush and the beach. I love writing and sharing my ideas on doing life.