
May 2021 Writing Tips, Recommended Stories, Writer Interviews, and Scripture Prompts

Inside Look — a monthly update for readers and writers of Koinonia Publication

Kimberley Payne
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2021


Quick Stats

  • As of May 31, 2021, we have had 354 writers join our publication!
  • Out of the 26 days of May (we don’t post on Sundays) we had a total of 119 stories with an average of 4.5 per day.

This month, we welcome Susan Elizabeth Henson and Kian Ameli as the newest editors to join our team.

Susan joined Koinonia in March 2019 to share HIS Word with others through her writing. She is a Bible believer, dog rescuer, former blood drive coordinator, and a writer. You can read more about her in her interview, How This Writer Has Been Writing Since She Could Scribble Stick Figures

Kian joined Koinonia in February 2021 to publish pieces that are Christ centric. He is a son of Christ, husband, father, business owner and Entrepreneur for 11+ years, and best selling author. You can read more about him in his interview, How This Writer Bares His Soul In Writing

Please join me in welcoming Susan and Kian to our team!

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Kimberley Payne

Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at