More Contemplation on Proverbs

Three days, three verses

Gordon McFarland


Day one

Today is April 1, so I read the first chapter of Proverbs this morning. It seems an appropriate chapter for April Fools’ Day. Proverbs has many descriptions of the character of foolish persons. It also has stern warnings against foolish behavior.

Starting here in chapter one, and throughout the book, wisdom and foolishness are compared and contrasted. Verse seven is a decent summary of the theme of the book and is the verse I’m focused on today.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7, NASB)

Have you ever heard it said of someone that no one can tell them anything? I think that’s the kind of person Solomon was talking about. I’m afraid I’ve been that sort at times in my life.

Day two

The second chapter of Proverbs continues in the introductory tone of chapter one. It contrasts the consequences of the man who follows wisdom with those who reject it and turn to evil ways. The theme and tone of the chapter echo the message in the first Psalm, which also contrasts those who follow God with those who reject Him and the consequences of each lifestyle.

