My Placemats and My Faith

Margie Hord de Mendez
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2023


Photo by author

Years ago, my Mum had given me some lovely hand-woven Mexican placemats that had been hers for many years. Several of them had stains that seemed unlikely to be removable. I put them away and forgot about them.

This year I discovered the blue-and-white placemats and figured that after perhaps a decade or more, those stains would definitely be permanent. However, I decided to ask my cleaning lady to give it a go. She soaped them and scrubbed them and set them in the sun to bleach a little more.

To my amazement, the stains disappeared!

The words of a verse came to me: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18b). The color and intensity of the “stain” doesn’t matter, or the time frame either! Humanly, it’s so easy to judge certain sins as bigger, worse, or harder to remove, but God’s forgiveness far surpasses those limitations.

Thank you, Father, for your outstanding stain-remover!



Margie Hord de Mendez

Canadian-Mexican linguist and translator, Margie loves to write about cross-cultural living, faith, family, aging gracefully… and more!