New Testament Power: Jesus Changed It All
What the new testament says about God’s power
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the disciples most likely floundered for direction. While they spent time with Jesus those forty days, the emotional high surely blocked their thinking about the near future. Before His ascension to Heaven, Jesus instructed the disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for God’s next gift, the Holy Spirit (Acts 1: 4–5).
Incredible miracles performed through the hands of these faithful believers fill the book of Acts. My recent readings in Acts got me to thinking about God’s power and how He manifests it in the words of the New Testament. I recently wrote about how God demonstrated His power in the Old Testament.
Jesus’ coming changed everything
In the last three years of his life, Jesus’ ministry was filled with practical lessons. Importantly, and perhaps most maddening to the religious rulers of the day, Jesus’ miracles of healing demonstrate the cleansing power of belief. His healing ministry addressed both the hidden and the obvious human weaknesses. He spoke of sin and forgave it, turned water into wine, fed five thousand with a young boy’s small lunch basket.
I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you…