Not a Lone Voice but Adding to the Roar of Many

The call to action is uncomplicated and effective

Ian Greig
2 min readMar 13, 2024


“Thy kingdom come … Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever…” (Matthew 6:10, NIV)

I’m sure I’m not the only one praying these words this morning. What is our expectation? What difference do we expect this to make?

This is an action of people exercising faith for God’s order to be established among us in our social groups and neighborhoods. That’s His good, just, and merciful order.

It is acknowledging that the church, whatever we mean by that, is God’s church. It’s under the lordship of Jesus and an instrument of that good order—GGod’s order and not ours.

“Thy kingdom come” is actually a prayer for revival, for a turning to God through Jesus becoming the Lord that people decide to trust. That’s preferring him over and above any dictator, political figurehead, or, for that matter, megachurch pastor.

Praying Jesus’ own words in this way is vital at this time. It’s not just because traditional churches and churchgoing in general are facing a crisis. There’s a global political crisis in a year of people making choices at the ballot box. The first of these takes place this weekend across Russia, and it may not be our idea of an election at all. There is only one candidate and one outcome.

A courageous anti-corruption campaigner who might have stood as an alternative to dictatorship has just had his life snuffed out in a brutal penal colony in Siberia.

When man’s desire to be powerful stands in the way of God’s fairness and freedom, two things happen.

  • Firstly, there is a lurch towards authoritarian control, allowed by free will.
  • Secondly, that jolt may be what is needed for Christians to wake up to their God-given responsibility.

That’s one of many good reasons for Christians to unite in praying: “Thy kingdom come!”

“Thy kingdom come” becomes the one voice of billions of Christians interceding with God. Calling for His just, fair order to supersede man’s . And especially to be the power of His kingdom justice to dismantle a self-perpetuating, oppressive, and murderous dictatorship.



Ian Greig

Husband+Father | Missional Christian | Author+ Speaker+Creator — offering ‘Faith without the Faff’ to encourage those not attracted to a formal club-like church