October, The Month of Being Thankful

Week one: It’s nearly Thanksgiving, so let’s take turns standing around the table and say one thing we’re thankful for!

Evan Robertson


It’s finally October once again, which means the pumpkin spice is in season and we can all go back to wearing our favorite sweaters without dying of heatstroke

It also means you’re about to be bombarded by an onslaught of products or people telling you to be thankful for all the wonderful things you have. This is all fine and dandy, from a marketing standpoint, and as a good reminder that we all have it pretty nice in North America and in first world countries around the globe.

To celebrate the season of turkey, family, and pumpkins, I’ll be doing a four-part series, breaking down 31 reasons I’m thankful, one for every day of October. Hopefully, this can serve as a reminder that, not only do we have so much to be thankful for but that even in the darkest times we can be thankful that we’re not alone in this mad rat race called life.

It’s also considered a healthy habit to have a thankful heart. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be the ‘thankful glass half full friend’ than the guy sucking on…

