Scripture Prompt

Of Dark and Light

John 1:5

Andrea Cannon
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by Andrea Cannon

In the stillness of the woods
Nature comes to life

Fireflies dance in the distance
Cicadas sing a song of dusk
Birds call out from treetops
Mosquitoes buzz, and frogs croak

A lone coyote howls in search of his pack
And I sit, silent, motionless, watching

The light is waning
A sparrow swoops in, lighting on a branch nearby
She sees me not

The rituals of the wilderness unfold around me
As the wildlife prepare for nightfall
And here I sit
Hiding in plain sight, listening, waiting
Anticipating movement in the shadows

Darkness is falling
An owl hoots
And still, I wait

The night is closing in around me
But I fear not
The black of night has no hold over me
Though it tries
Stretching out its shadowy, tendril-like fingers
Hoping to lure me in

