Overcoming Depression the right way in these Troubling Times

Here’s a Personal Testimony to encourage and strengthen your faith in God.

Oludare E. Mustapha (D. T. R.)
4 min readJul 24, 2023


Image from Pixabay

At times, life can feel overwhelming, leaving us with a sense of sadness, loneliness, and despair. It might seem like all hope is lost, and even thoughts of giving up can creep into our minds. But in those moments, it’s crucial to recognize that these feelings are not the way out; they are the work of the enemy, attempting to steal our joy.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10, NIV)

In the midst of this internal battle, it’s essential to find strength. As the Bible wisely advises,

"If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small" (Proverbs 24:10, NKJV).

Overcoming such hardships requires resilience and determination, as depicted in Ephesians 6:10-18.

So, where do we find this strength? How can we harness it to rise above the challenges we face?

Amidst the ever-changing and often difficult circumstances of life, one source of hope remains constant: The WORD OF GOD.

Allow me to share a personal experience that illustrates the power of relying on God’s Word.

Not too long ago, I found myself in a dire financial situation, overwhelmed with sadness and depression. My circumstances seemed insurmountable, and I saw no clear way out. Keeping my struggles to myself, I turned to God in prayer, telling Him that if He didn’t help me, no one else could. In that moment of resolute faith, I sought God’s presence wholeheartedly. I withdrew from distractions, shutting everything out, and dedicated myself to being in communion with Him.

Did God send ravens to feed me like He did for Elijah? Or did He send quails, so I could pick them up, cook them, and eat like the Israelites? Or did my jar of oil overflow, giving me enough money to pay my bills? Nah, what He did was far more exceeding.

God opened my eyes of understanding.

Rather than offering an immediate fix to my problems, He provided me with profound revelations and insights into the Kingdom of God. It was a transformative experience that shifted my focus from my present predicament to the divine purpose He had for my life.

In the midst of my struggle, I found myself immersed in God's presence, no longer fixated on my material needs. Though my circumstances hadn't changed, I felt an unexplainable peace and a renewed sense of purpose. This encounter with God's Word and His divine promises became my anchor, allowing me to weather life's storms with unwavering hope.

Since that day, whenever feelings of despair or loneliness try to creep back in, I recall God’s words to me, and I encourage you to do the same.

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

In Jeremiah 29:11, we are reminded that God has plans for our lives, plans for prosperity, hope, and a bright future. Armed with this truth, along with inspiring songs and messages, we can stand firm and declare His promises over our lives.

Of course, my financial struggles have not vanished entirely, but in seeking God’s Word and placing His Kingdom above all else, I have found peace of mind and an unexplainable trust that He will meet my daily needs.

It’s a testament to His faithfulness and His way of working in mysterious ways.

Life’s challenges may continue to persist, but we have a firm foundation to stand upon: the assurance that Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). So, rather than succumbing to despair or contemplating suicide, I urge you to seek God’s Word and truth, for within its pages lie the answers to our questions and the strength we need to navigate life’s trials.

Remember, as we seek Him wholeheartedly, He promises to listen to our prayers and reveal great and unsearchable things (Jeremiah 29:12-13, 33:3). In this pursuit, we find hope, peace, and a source of strength beyond comprehension.

Today, I may not have billions in my bank account or all my desires instantly fulfilled, but what I do possess is an unshakable faith in God’s provision and His guiding hand in my life. By seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness as Matthew 6:33 clearly states, I trust that all other needs will be met in His perfect timing. So, let us hold on to the Word of God as our anchor, a sure foundation to stand upon when the storms of life rage around us. In it, we find the strength to overcome, the hope to endure, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

May God bless you abundantly on your journey of faith in Jesus name.

