Pat Robertson Surprised Me but Gave Me Hope for Positive Change

Silence from evangelical leaders

Verbieann Hardy


Pat Robertson surprises everyone and hits out at police over the shooting of Daunte Wright and death of George Floyd. Conservative televangelist calls police underpaid ‘bunch of clowns’ who are ….”

The Independent, an English paper, thought this comment was newsworthy enough to print for British readers.

When I heard about these comments, I thought it was a prank or misunderstanding. As I could not believe what I heard, I checked the news. › media › pat-Robertson-put-derek chavin in jail

Apr 16, 2021 · Evangelical leader Pat Robertson said Thursday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged with murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd, should be put in jail…

A variety of other news agencies also covered the story

Televangelist Pat Robertson shocked his supporters and detractors by his suggestion that police be accountable for unlawful actions.



Verbieann Hardy

Striving to follow Jesus. I write about life, faith, and relationships as I age with grateful grit. Please support my work through stories.