Petals of Grace in the Wind

The touch that transforms

Marie Grace, PhD


In soft undertones, the petals take flight.
I watch them dance, a ballet in the breeze.
Each one a story, bold against the night,
A testament to strength despite the freeze.

You stand beside me, silent in your grace.
Together, witnessing this tender scene.
In every petal, I can see your face.
Reflecting all the places we have been.

These petals, like our dreams, soar and spin.
Unfettered by the burdens of their past.
I feel your hand in mine, skin touching skin.
A promise without words that’s meant to last.

In every gust, our spirits intertwine.
With petals in the wind, your heart and mine.
And in this dance, a whisper of Divine,
Jesus’ presence, guiding us to shine.

Authors’ Note

‘Grace’ is not static but active and influential. The wind-carrying petals evoke a sense of freedom, fragility, and the natural flow of life, while ‘The Touch That Transforms’ hints at profound changes and impacts arising from gentle, perhaps even fleeting, encounters. This poem captures the idea that ‘Grace,’ like petals caught in the wind, touches everything in its path, leaving a lasting impression and transformation. Jesus’ presence in the poem serves as a reminder of the ultimate form of love and sacrifice, inspiring a deeper reflection on the ways we can embody such grace in our own lives and in the lives of others.



Marie Grace, PhD

I fuse imagination with insight to captivate and provoke new perspectives to build a shared understanding through mindful written discourse.