Rug Wars Fought in the Home

Dawn Ulmer
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2024


Is This Love?

Photo image prompt by author by Adobe Firefly

When they first married and were settling into their new home, the young couple couldn’t decide which color of throw rug they wanted at the base of their stairs.

She liked a red throw rug, he preferred the blue.

They purchased both.

When she was gone from home, he would place the blue throw rug precisely where he wanted it. When she arrived home, she was upset that the wrong rug was there.

When he was gone from home, she would gather up the blue rug and put her choice, the red rug, at the foot of the stairs.

The War of the Rugs went on and on, each trying to dominate.

In other areas of their new life together, other Wars were brewing.

He liked to eat salad for dinner, she liked casseroles. Since she arrived home before he did, down went the red throw rug and a delicious casserole was created. He rarely saw a salad.

When grilling, the War continued — He fixed delicious hamburgers, she preferred steak. Sine he was the one grilling, you know exactly what he fixed — hamburgers.

In every area of their lives, differences appeared and there always seemed to be a tug of war between them.

As time passed, the War became tiring to each of them.

She would often ‘forget’ to put down her red throw rug, also realizing that sometimes fixing a salad was quicker to prepare than a casserole. Plus, she noticed that burgers on the grill were tasty.

For Him, too, the War was tiring. He would often place her red rug in its place and often would prepare a casserole to go along with the grilled steaks.

In every area of their lives, large or small, war gave rise to Peace.

Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible. Romans 12:18 TLB

They then lived happily ever after as they continued to honor one another as they compromised in their choices.

What compromises can YOU make to bring PEACE?

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Dawn Ulmer, a retired Registered Nurse, has enjoyed writing since the age of 19 when she wrote ‘My Philosophy of Nursing’. Presently, she is enjoying writing on Medium, her favorite platform.

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Dawn Ulmer

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!