Seasons: Why Western Christians Struggle To Wait On The Lord

In a world with Amazon Prime

j taliaferro


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The smell is unforgettable. Mango Season! There is a sweetness in the air that makes the heat and humidity bearable, if even for just a couple of months. There is nothing like a freshly picked ripe mango. (My favorite variety is Chico Rico.)

During mango season, people who have a mango tree on their property suddenly become very popular! They receive unexpected visitors they haven’t seen in months, and for some strange reason, they carry baskets or market bags. But just as quickly as the season comes, it is gone again, and you have to wait many months until everyone’s favorite fruit comes back around.

Western countries don’t get the same joy out of mango season. In fact, you can get ripe mangos year-round in almost every grocery store, but something is missing, namely the flavor, and I think there are lessons to be learned here.

God created both the natural and spiritual worlds to ebb and flow with seasons. The dry season is hot and uncomfortable. It causes us too long for the relief of a drenching rainstorm. And when those raindrops fall, and the air smells fresh and new, we are filled with appreciation and a sense of wonder, partially because we have waited so long for the rain.



j taliaferro

Storyteller, Author & Disciple of Jesus Christ. Lover of family, sushi & world travel. I hate cotton candy, bats and the Kansas City Chiefs.