Serving God Across the Ocean or Across the Street

Your mission field starts with the person sitting right next to you

Sarah K. Butterfield


We can serve God in little ways or in big ways, right here at home or across the world. Our mission field starts with our neighbor
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Living in southern California, I never thought I’d speak French again, until one Sunday morning when our church pews were especially crowded and I found myself dusting off my second language like an old pair of boots.

My parents moved our family from California to France for full-time missions work when I was seven. After language school, they partnered with local pastors and churches to grow disciples and breathe new life into dying congregations. Over the next dozen years, I saw with my own eyes what God could do when willing people used their gifts for His glory.

It’s all fair game

It was only natural that years later, once I had moved back to the States and finished college, I would feel the itch to serve God in big and mighty ways. One Sunday, I found myself sitting in a church basement with a few dozen others who were going through a membership class. We listened to a summary of all the ministries this church was involved with and all the ways in which they could use our help. Then the leaders handed us a spiritual gift survey to determine each of our particular strengths. I took great care in circling my answers and tallying my responses. I flipped to…



Sarah K. Butterfield

Writer, speaker, and ministry leader. Always seeking to empower others at