Setting Faith Boundaries

Jesus, Daniel, and setting boundaries for your faith

Ellis Orozco


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

A healthy person sets boundaries — physical and emotional “no trespassing” lines. Boundaries are essential for healthy self-esteem. There are also spiritual boundaries necessary for a healthy spiritual life. How do I go about setting and living out my faith boundaries?

Jesus and faith boundaries

“He replied to him, ‘Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? … whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother’” (Matt. 12:48–50, NIV).

Jesus set boundaries for himself and his disciples.

When he sent them out into the villages to preach he gave them a specific set of rules by which they were to do their work (Matt. 10:6–14). This set of rules was meant to protect them and distinguish them from other spiritual gurus.

When the Pharisees attacked Jesus’ character, he defended himself sharply with confidence in who he was (Mark 3:26). He unashamedly appealed to his intimate connection to the Father (John 8:18). Even when they scoffed or attempted to physically harm him, he stood strong (Luke 4:30).

When even his own family attempted to cross and disrupt his boundaries — his teachings and community — he didn’t allow it…



Ellis Orozco

Dr. Orozco is a seasoned pastor with advanced degrees in Biblical Studies who seeks to uncover the real Jesus in the most unexpected places.