
It can enslave us

Tracy .M. Ndlovu
2 min readSep 28, 2023


Photo by Julio Rionaldo on Unsplash

We know that addiction can enslave, but do we think of sin as a master? When we sin, we open the door to Satan who is more than happy to walk in and take over. I’m sure the bank robber doesn’t start off robbing banks. He probably started by taking money from his parents or shoplifting from some local shop. If he doesn’t get caught and punished, the thievery can get bigger. If a liar doesn’t get caught in the lie, she gets more proficient and lies about more important matters. The embezzler probably started by taking home office supplies.

Small sins lead to bigger sins. Satan is happy to whisper in our ears that what we want, we should have and we shouldn’t worry about how we get it. When we disobey the commandments and we don’t get hit by lightning, we can think, "What’s the big deal?" This leads us to think we are free to live as we please without worrying about the consequences. We forget that sin has its own consequences and that the final judgment belongs to God. When we tell the truth, we don’t have to worry about remembering what we said because we told the truth. If we don’t insult people or call them names, then we don’t have to worry about retaliation. When we are kind to people, definitely those people will be kind back too. When we live conscious of the presence of God, we are free of fear. We know that we are doing our best to be ready to meet him whenever he calls us. We don’t have to worry about the future because we know that God is in control and whatever happens, we will be fine. Why would anyone choose slavery to sin over freedom?

May our forgiving and loving God give us the Grace to remain free in his Love and Mercy.



Tracy .M. Ndlovu

Sinner saved by Grace, Jesus Christ follower, enjoys writing Christian faith-based articles, and always ready to be encouraged and encourage someone out there.