Member-only story
Some Things are Worth the Wait
The pot of soup is simmering and it’s driving me cra-cra
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8–9, NKJV)
I wish it were lunch time right now and not a second longer. Sigh. Obviously, patience isn’t one of my stronger character traits.
I had leftover chicken and needed to do something with it before it went bad. I also wanted to use the herbs and vegetables from my garden.
The result is chicken veggie soup simmering on the stove and the smells are driving me crazy.
Is it lunch yet?
Oh phooey. Two hours, twenty minutes, and ten seconds to go.
Well worth the wait
Even though I want to eat a bowl of soup right now, I know if I’m patient it will be worth the delay. It needs time for all the various flavors to merge into one. Once I take that first delectable bite, my patience will be rewarded.
Rats! Two hours, seventeen minutes, and thirty seconds to go.