Tackling Spiritual Clutter

Mary Gallagher


Photo by chris liu on Unsplash

“God hasn’t invited us into a disorderly, unkempt life, but into something holy, as beautiful on the inside as the outside.” (1 Thessalonians 4:7–8 MSG)

Choices! They overwhelm and create clutter. Decision fatigue is real.

What about spiritual clutter? It’s incredible that we have access to so much information and resources, but having too many choices can create a spiritual mess.

We can’t focus, we’re overwhelmed by the many voices. Where does God’s Spirit find space?

The Holy Spirit reveals truth (1 John 2:27). Teachers, books, and studies are used by God to point us in the right direction, but to gain clarity it may mean cleaning out the clutter.

Lord, I thank You that you are enough. Your Word contains wisdom, guidance, and direction. I choose your word first, prayerfully choosing all other resources with care and intention. Amen.



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul