Take My Hand and Walk with Me

A poem on living life and calling out to God

Samuel Aigbotsua


I asked you to lead me deeper into the oceans,
to take me into the deep.
Where my faith will be made stronger,
where my trust is beyond borders.

You took me there and at first,
I walked on water with my faith stronger than the wind that tossed the sea.
Just like Peter, I looked around and saw the tempest raging,
my faith sank, and the waters began to swallow me.

I cried out with outstretched arms,
heart wide open, and a broken spirit.
My faith fell and doubt taking over,
I reached out so you could take my hand and lift me out of the deep.

Still, you slept on like you didn’t care,
at least that’s what I thought as I asked:
“carest thou not that I perish?”
My boat of life was tossed from side to side, and still, you slept.

Do you not care that I perish?
I cried out: take my hand and walk with me.
Awaken me and give me faith; faith as small as a mustard seed,
faith that can move mountains and calm the raging sea.



Samuel Aigbotsua

Interested in all things tech, politics, and finance. I write, read, and code. I am Multifaceted and love poetry.