Tell the Truth with Kindness

The truth is better accepted when conveyed with love and kindness

Elizabeth Oluwatosin
2 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash

Once in a market, I overheard a preacher passionately declaring, “Without accepting Christ, you’ll face death and hell, you’ll perish if you persist in sin.” Surprisingly, instead of fostering understanding, his harsh words prompted hisses and dismissive remarks from the crowd, some even expressing, “Your approach won’t make us embrace your message, just leave us be!”

Amidst the murmurs, dissent was vocalized with exclamations like, “The way you speak won’t convince us to heed your message. Let us be; we’ll face whatever comes our way!”

The disconnect between the preacher and the audience wasn’t a result of a lack of understanding of the message; rather, it stemmed from the preacher’s choice of harshness over kindness in delivering the truth. It became evident that people failed to see the sense in what he was saying because of the abrasive tone he adopted.

This encounter serves as a poignant reminder to fellow Christians about the importance of thoughtfulness in delivering messages of faith. Correcting and preaching the gospel need not be abrasive or confrontational. Instead, as followers of Christ, we are encouraged to mirror His approach, which was imbued with love and compassion.

A call to fellow believers: exercise caution and gentleness when imparting wisdom or sharing the gospel. Just as Jesus preached the Good News with love, so should we. Seek divine wisdom before engaging in conversations that involve correcting others or sharing the gospel.

Colossians 4:6 (NIV) wisely advises, “Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt.”

In essence, our words should carry the flavor of grace and the preserving qualities of kindness, ensuring that the truth is not only heard but also received with open hearts.



Elizabeth Oluwatosin

passionate Christian writer, exploring faith and inspiration through words. Join me on a journey of Christian wisdom.