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Janis Cox


Photo by Ryan McGuire via pixabay

We’re thrilled that you have committed yourselves to follow our publication, Koinonia, and read our posts. We know that we have some exceptional writers and are truly enjoying reading their posts.

Some posts of note that you may like to read (if you haven’t already), have garnered the most claps and are trending on our site include:

Janis Cox

Do you let frustrations get to you when you are tired? Janis did. Read what she learned.

Jack Heimbigner

“We can strengthen ourselves by renewing our mind, led by the Holy Spirit in order to know and understand God’s will and destiny for our lives.”

Learn how we can strengthen ourselves in the Lord.

Mary Hood

“What turns awareness into action is compassion. Until I truly have compassion on people who are suffering, who are being lied to, who are ignorant, even when they are my abusers, my awareness will keep me at a safe distance. I will build no bridges and fill no gaps.”

How aware are you? of your surroundings? of God’s presence?

Noemi McElearney

“Sometimes, someone does something to make us angry. Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty emotional. My emotions could be for a variety of reasons. Hormones, stress, insecurity, and anger. I know this. I have thought about all of my faults and have acknowledged them. I’m not pretending I don’t come with flaws or imperfections. I’m human. This is expected of me.”

How can we deal with anger?

Salau Shinamide Samuel

“Juliet believed and the words of God pierced her soul and she got born again.”

A good testimony of coming to Christ.

Writing River

A beautiful poem.

Let’s keep the love going with claps (you can clap up to 50 times), comments and cheer (through highlighting).

Thanks to all our writers. We encourage you. We cheer you on.

This story is published in Koinonia — stories to encourage, entertain, and empower you in your faith, food, fitness, family and fun.



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.