The Acronym that Will Make Your Writing More Engaging

Keep your readers’ attention longer

Kyle Chastain


There’s a simple acronym that every effective writer uses to keep readers coming back for more. If you use it, people will devour your writing like chocolate cake. If you fail to use it, readers will click away and never return.

The acronym is WIIFM — what’s in it for me? It’s a question you should answer in everything you write.

If you spend any time reading marketing or writing blogs, there’s a decent chance you’ve run across this term. It’s often called the most important acronym in marketing because it persuades people to act. If you’re a writer, that means it persuades people to keep reading your words.

Answering the WIIFM question gives people a reason to keep reading. Showing your readers how you can add value to their lives is crucial, and you must show them quickly. Let’s look at some of the best ways I’ve found to do that.

The three kinds of writing people like to read

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing fiction, research, poetry, or history. Readers won’t stay with you unless your writing provides one of three services.

  1. Education.
  2. Entertainment.



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: