The Beauty of Undeserved Privilege

No confusion in this definition

Trudi Griffin


Oklahoma Moon — Photo by author

There’s a lot of talk about privilege these days. Most of the arguments stem from privileges no one has control over, like what parents one was born to or the color of a person’s skin. Then there is the privilege of environment or condition; some accidental and others purposeful.

Either way, it’s a poor game of “king of the hill” where the perceived privileged are pushed off to tumble into the quagmire of confusion and the “not-so-privileged” compete in a scramble of quasi-idol worship at the top of the victim pile.

The meaning of privilege has become contorted, distorted, and twisted where everyone wants it and no one wants it.

/priv-uh-lij (noun) 1a. a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most, 1b. the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a restricted group of people has over another group (

The worldly definitions of privilege are nothing I care to debate. They are superficial and ever-changing. Plus, I agree with what my stepmom…



Trudi Griffin

Shining light in the darkness with words. Devoted to Jesus. Wife of a warrior. Small business owner.