The Day I Cried and Made Up With My Husband

God gave me a new perspective on worship

Mishael Witty
Published in
6 min readNov 9, 2020


When the worship music begins to play during the church service, what do you expect? Blessing? Fun? Excitement? Connection?

What about conviction?

Do you ever expect to be convicted during worship?

I never did … until it happened to me.

Let me give you the back story

One Saturday afternoon, I had a backache. And when I say backache, I mean excruciating pain every time I tried to bend over or do anything.

The same Saturday afternoon, my husband decided he was going fishing, leaving me at home alone, in pain, with the responsibility of taking care of our two girls. And when he got done fishing, he still had two hours’ worth of work to do to clean the church we used to be members of. That meant I had to take care of bath and bedtime all by myself, in addition to everything else … while still dealing with my pain.

By the time he got home, I was … unhappy, to put it mildly.

We had a stupid fight. You know the kind … when you both say things you don’t really mean to say (although you really do mean what you say) because pride is getting the better of you.



Mishael Witty

Wife, mother, crazy cat lady. Author, ghostwriter, editor. I manipulate words because manipulating people is evil.