The Four Cardinal Virtues

How they can help you become a better person

Alex Lago


For many of us, going about our daily lives can be difficult. We are constantly inundated with situations where we must make decisions.

If someone cuts us off on the freeway, we must decide whether to ignore it and go about our day or lash out in anger.

If we have a job we dislike but must continue to go to for the sake of family or financial stability.

When we are faced with challenges in life, we can develop a course of action that will hopefully lead us to the desired outcome.

Let’s say there is a situation where we see our coworker is being overworked. We have the choice to either step in and help them or go on about our day and ignore it.

Why should we care about these situations? Does our reaction to each matter?

We should care because regardless of our belief system, these virtues will bring us happiness. Whenever we lie, cheat, steal, take the easy way out, or ignore others in need, life is immediately easier for us. But after a while, these things weigh on our consciences.

Do you ever notice how it’s much easier in the short-run to curse at a bad driver, but then your anxiety and anger end…



Alex Lago

I am passionate about philosophy and literature. I use this platform to practice sharing my ideas.