The Freedom of Insignificance

Koinonia Prompt #15: Freedom

Trudi Griffin
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Lachlan Gowen on Unsplash

There was a time I wanted to be known.

I wanted my voice heard.

I thought what I had to say mattered or was somehow so profound it must be shared. I was right and if people would only listen, they would agree with me. They wouldn’t be able to help themselves because my utterings would be so profound.

External validation filled a craving for self-worth disguised as power.

Those were my feminist activist days and I thank the Lord all that happened before the Internet and social media could immortalize my arrogance.

The Blessing of Insignificance

In his book, “Crazy Love,” Francis Chan provides a beautiful glimpse at insignificance and why God’s love for us is so profound.

He said we are all specks.

Like the person in the role of extra in a movie who gathers family and friends to see them in it, but then has to pause the movie to show them because their presence is a mere blip.

In God’s story, we are all mere blips and there is nothing we can do about it.



Trudi Griffin

Shining light in the darkness with words. Devoted to Jesus. Wife of a warrior. Small business owner. tenshimadeshop.etsy.com