The Little Boat

A redemption story for children of all ages

Linda Fode


A LEGO ship and sea monster
Photo courtesy of Eric & Niklas at Unsplash

There once was a story of a little boy who made a wooden boat.

One day, as he was sailing the boat along the river in England, it got away from him and was lost.

Several years later, the boy — now a grown man — wandered into a pawn shop along the High Street in his English town.

There, on a shelf, he saw a battered little wooden boat.

He picked it up and turned it over, and there were his initials carved into the now-worn and discoloured wood.

He paid the shopkeeper a few pence for the battered, broken boat; he put it carefully into his coat pocket and took it home.

With tears flooding his eyes and memories filling his mind, he lovingly restored the little boat to its former glory.

You could hear him whisper:

First, I made you.

Then, I redeemed you.

Now, I have restored you.

You are still mine.

Verses from Isaiah tell the story of both boats and men.

Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, and you are mine. When you go through rivers of difficulty…



Linda Fode

Writer,content creator,mentor and motivational speaker. Inspiring others to have a real relationship with God in their everyday lives.