The Lost Gospel

It doesn’t belong to a race or a type of people

David Ramos
3 min readJun 27, 2020


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

This gospel wasn’t written 2000 years ago.

It is a gospel that is being written every single day.

We need to understand and grow into a heart to where we can know that the gospel that we were taught at church isn’t just for our church.

It is for everyone.

For the person you are standing behind in the grocery store.
(Who attempted to take their own life last night)

For that person you are sitting next to on the bus ride home.
(Who lost her wife in a car crash yesterday)

For that coworker who dresses differently than you.
(Who is dealing with anxiety and rejection by their family)

We were all born in a sinful world, all born into sin. Therefore by this nature, one can also draw up the conclusion that we were also born far from God, our father. Many are fatherless. Orphaned.

The Gospel was meant to be shared

I am a believer that Christianity is much simpler than we all make it out to be sometimes. Jesus commissioned us when He went with His disciples in Galilee that we were called to go out to the nations and teach them about God.

Nations, and the exact meaning of nations has changed so much since He has instructed us with this task. I can assure that one thing that not change, that we are supposed to go. We can’t go if we simply decided to stay, simply decide to continue talking about God with the same people we know that have already accepted Him. It is like pouring water into a pond, with no where else to go, the water will just sit there.

In the Dead Sea near Israel, nobody likes drinking from the water due to how salty the water is, it is old and it has likely been sitting there for centuries. Such a shame that this is a representation of many people’s faith. Just sitting there, never to be shared, never to be explored, but we can change that. Today.

In the midst of a time where the world is breaking out, many colors are being revealed, dare I say, many nations are being shown. Flags are being woven, movements are being demonstrated, and this is such an excellent time for the Church, to where we can see people from all different types of nations, and tribes, outside of ourselves to minister towards.

Not just minister using a Bible and telling them what not to do and what to do, but instead by loving on them the same way Jesus did when Rome was at their tipping point.

We need to live out and write this lost gospel, it is time for the whole world to believe in Jesus, where we can live with such a clinging to the grace of God that men and women rise up to show the same love, wisdom, and inspiration that Jesus showed.

Reclaim this lost world for the sake of gospel!



David Ramos

writer with a sword, fighter with a pen. want more grammar errors?