The Making of a Keepsake Book

The process I went through to create a book of memories for my grandchild

Kimberley Payne
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2021


Book cover

When our children were young, my husband and I would take turns with each child at bedtime.

I would go first to my daughter while my husband spent time with my son. I would talk about her day, pray with her, tickle her back, and then repeat a saying with her before trading places with my hubby.

I would repeat the bedtime ritual with my son.

The expression that I shared with both of my kids went something like this:

Me: How much do I love you?
Child: Up to God!

Me: When will I stop loving you?
Child: Never!

Me: What could you possibly do to make me stop loving you?
Child: Nothing!

Me: And why do I love you?
Child: Just because you do.

Me: It’s not what you say, it’s not what you do, it’s just because you are you.

Over the years, my kids’ responses could get pretty silly. Instead of saying, “Never!” in response to my question of when I will stop loving them, they would get goofy and say something like, “Yesterday!”

Or, instead of answering, “Nothing!” in reply to my question about what they could do to make me stop loving…



Kimberley Payne

Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at