The Most Important Preposition in the Bible

How a three-letter word can make all the difference in your understanding of Scripture

J.A. Taylor


By the time I was a teenager, my life was a mess. I had abused drugs and alcohol, was sexually active with my girlfriend, had run away from home, and had been expelled from the county school system for nearly killing my principal. In my defense, I had no idea he was standing at the bottom of the stairs when I threw the metal trashcan over the railing from three stories above.

But despite my sin and rebellion, at age fourteen, something clicked. I came to a crossroads — a juxtaposition between my mess of a life and God’s holy standard. I understood that if God was real, the Bible was true, and Heaven existed, I wasn’t going to make the cut. I wasn’t good enough. Heck, I didn’t even want to be good enough. At that moment I became a Christian — not by ‘changing my life’, but by believing it was Jesus’ righteousness that got me in.

Like any decent convert, I sought to familiarize myself with the holy book of my newfound faith. I began devouring the Scriptures. This is where my ‘religious problems’ started.

For some reason, I thought of the Bible as God’s letter directly to me. I flipped page after page, looking for a passage that I felt applied to whatever…

