The Requested Miracle… and the Unexpected Received One

Mishael Witty
Published in
5 min readJun 24, 2019


The request

“Lord, we could really use a financial miracle right now. Can you please send us $1000?”

I didn’t think this request was too audacious, considering I’d asked Him for $1000 before, and He supplied it within the week. If anything, with the bills piling up and inching into overdue territory, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable request.

The answer

What about $500?

The answer knocked against my chest wall, making it hard for me to breathe.

I placed a hand over my racing heart. “Okay. $500 would be great.”

You’re God; why would I argue with You over money?

The waiting

I sat back and waited for the $500 I knew was sure to come. And I waited … and waited. And I tried to stifle the disappointment building with each passing day the promised money didn’t materialize.

It hadn’t taken Him this…



Mishael Witty

Wife, mother, crazy cat lady. Author, ghostwriter, editor. I manipulate words because manipulating people is evil.