The Simple Truth about Following God’s Commandments

Being a perfect Christian isn’t an option

Brandon Swader
2 min readJun 23, 2020


Photo by Will Turner on Unsplash

Following God’s commandments is an invigorating experience.

Something about being in line with what God wants us to be doing gives us the feeling of being on top of the world.

Some Christians do their best to follow each commandment, some Christians follow most commandments and skip a couple, and some Christians only follow a few commandments.

While these people are all very different, they all have one very important thing in common — they are all Christians.

The reason many Christians struggle to follow every one of God’s commandments is because they are imperfect.

We are all imperfect, whether you follow every one of God’s commandments, or you follow two or three; you are imperfect.

The only place where perfection exists is in God, He is perfect and we are always below Him due to our imperfections.

Trying our best to follow all of God’s commandments and failing, or not following a few for personal reasons, doesn’t make us bad Christians, it makes us human.

Striving for perfection anywhere in life is a bad idea because only God is perfect.

At the end of the day, we are all imperfect people worshiping a perfect God.

