
The Spiritual Secret to Success

It’s probably not what you learned in business school

John Michalak
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Photo of a person climbing a very tall ladder into the sky.
Stock image from Canva by Conceptual Motion.

Mother Teresa once told her biographer:

“We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful.”

I’ve wrestled with this tension many times. As a writer, for instance, I’d feel successful selling a lot of books. But then I think about what I’m called to do. In my bones, my heart is to engage others; to get people to think; to move them emotionally and spiritually; to make a difference in their lives.

Selling a lot more books might open doors to speak and reach people in person. But truthfully, I can do these things without becoming a worldwide bestseller.

True success stories

Too often, we waste precious hours distracted by the world’s idea of success. We see success stories in the news and movies and wonder how we can be successful, too.

But most true success stories don’t make the news or a major motion picture. Most people who are successful are simply faithful — to pursue and not give up on what God has called them to do.

  • Perhaps one of your success stories is how you stuck it out in your marriage when there seemed no point in going on.



John Michalak

Author and Speaker. Servant to two spoiled cats. Bridging the things of eternity with everyday experience.