The Toothbrush Principle of Time Management

Another word for Christian creatives

Michael Miles


Photo by Sara Groblechner on Unsplash

The journey toward better time management has been a long one for many of us.

We’ll reach for schedules, calendars, apps, and other tools to get a better handle on our day and the projects we work on.

Sometimes, though, it feels like there simply isn’t enough time in a day.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and paralyzed by the number of tasks we have to get done in the many areas of our lives. If you’re like me, then you know what this feels like.

I’m realizing that one thing that helps is implementing what I call the toothbrush principle of time management. Let me explain.

We all know the importance of brushing our teeth. It’s something we’ve been taught from childhood- and for good reason!

If any of us go just 1 day without doing it, we’ll feel the build-up of bacteria on the surface of our teeth and our breath is sure to be impacted.

If we go much longer than that the effects only get worse and worse over time.

Thus, dental hygiene requires consistent attention and effort if we’re going to keep our mouths from being overrun by harmful bacteria and keep them healthy.



Michael Miles

Follower of Christ. Philly Native. Apologist. Content Creator. Marvel Fan. YouTube: