Cultural Engagement

The Two Joshuas

I have decided to follow Jesus. But which Jesus am I following?

John Michalak
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


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I have decided to follow Jesus.

This thought — articulated in that sweet, inspirational hymn — reminds me of the power such a commitment implies. Like many, I made this commitment many years ago, and despite my stumbles and failures along the way, it has revolutionized the life I live and the world I see.

But often I wonder if the Jesus I follow is always the right Jesus — in the things He did; in what He said was most important when it came to our view of God and the way we engage the world. Our picture of Jesus, while vital, can often become more complicated to arrive at than we imagine.

The two Joshuas

This idea struck home with me the other day when I remembered the two Joshuas. Bible students are familiar with the Joshua of the Old Testament: a follower of Moses who helped lead God’s people through the wilderness and into the Promised Land.

But the Bible speaks of another Joshua — Jesus himself. The name “Jesus” as we read it in English is a derivative of the Greek language the New Testament was written in. Jesus’ real name was the Hebrew Joshua, or Yeshua which means, “God saves.”



John Michalak

Author and Speaker. Servant to two spoiled cats. Bridging the things of eternity with everyday experience.