This Is What Makes Jesus So Dangerous

After two thousand years, He’s still one of the most controversial figures in history

Kyle Chastain


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Jesus Christ.

What do you think when you hear that name? Your heart may fill with reverence and love. Or you may feel disgusted and angry. Either way, I doubt you feel neutral. Since Christians are supposed to be the living, breathing representatives of Christ in the world, your impression of Jesus is bound to your experience with Christians.

By every account of His life in the New Testament, Jesus was both loved and hated by people who knew Him. Some say Jesus was dangerous because he made God accessible to everyone, not just a “chosen” group. Others say He was dangerous because He supported the outcasts. Still, others believe His teachings undermined the stability of the Roman Empire.

I’m not very interested in how you personally feel about Jesus. I’m interested in what made Jesus so threatening to the establishment that they attempted to kill Him. Because if you understand what makes Jesus dangerous, you may understand what makes Him so divine.

Jesus was (and still is) dangerous, but not because he tries to convert people to a religion. He’s dangerous because He shows us there’s a way to live outside the system.



Kyle Chastain

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