Tomorrow, if the Lord Wills

Never before has this statement rung more true

Kathy McClelland


“Tomorrow, if the Lord wills.”
Jen Wilkin, None Like Him

I will likely remember 2020 as a year when I had little to no control over my plans. For a planner, this is hard. But it is also good.

For everything the pandemic has taken away from me, it has given me the opportunity to acknowledge that ultimately God reigns over this huge COVID-19 infected world, as well as my small world raising a medically fragile son. I’m learning to be flexible.

Jen Wilkin says:

“We live differently when we regard the future as a place we will go ‘if the Lord wills.’”

Things change rapidly as stats about the virus pour in from across the country. Doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists are struggling to understand it. Local authorities are grappling with how to lead people in response to it. And parents are breaking the golden rule of parenting: be consistent with your kids. We have absolutely no idea how to establish their rules and routines because those rules and routines are constantly changing.

It’s a mess. We have no idea what tomorrow holds.

The ambiguity started in March when the school district communicated Plan A, only…



Kathy McClelland

Dedicated to sharing hope and encouragement with fellow parents, especially those living with chronic illness or disability.