Two Views of the Holy Spirit

Bett Harris
Nov 4, 2022


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I’m a visual learner so when someone gives me a great word picture I don’t forget it. This happened the other day at Bible study. A missionary woman who has followed Christ for years told me this:

The Holy Spirit within us is there for our benefit. The Holy Spirit upon us is there for others’ benefit. Mine sits on my shoulder. (Madeline Harrison)

I struggle with evangelism and avoid sharing God with strangers. I worry I won’t be an effective witness. I tend to keep my experiences with God private, tucked away in my heart. But that only benefits me. The above statement encouraged me to pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon me.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses… (Acts 1:8, ESV)



Bett Harris

Previously worked in healthcare and education. Now retired. I love Jesus and want to share Him with everyone who will listen. Writing and doing art are my muse.