Unlocking Your Future

How to see beyond present limitations

Kevin Scoggin
3 min readAug 31, 2024


Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because of the people of Israel. None went out and none came in. And the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand with its king and mighty men of valor.” (Exodus 6:1–2 ESV)

What do you see? It’s a question with many implications.

  • One possible meaning: What do you see now with your physical eyes?
  • Another possible meaning: what do you see with your imagination?

If you have been on Earth for more than 10 minutes, you have the first one down. However, the second meaning might need a little more work and intention if you are like me.

In the above passage of scripture, Joshua is on the verge of leading the Israelites into their first battle for the promised land. They had just spent 40 years in the desert and finally crossed into the land they had longed for.

This is a big moment for Joshua and the people of God.

It’s important to note that Jericho was known for its fortifications, specifically the large, thick wall that surrounded it. In other words, the Israelites wouldn’t just stroll in there and take over.

Judging by what their natural eyes revealed, the situation was likely not encouraging. It was a big city with thick walls and many armed men staring down at them. It was not a great place to be.

This is why I find God’s instruction to Joshua fascinating.

God tells Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands.”

But when God said this, it wasn’t true. Nothing had happened at that point. The battle had yet even to begin. So, we know that God wasn’t telling Joshua to see with his physical eyes. If he were to look only with his physical eyes, he would see an impossible task.

God was inviting Joshua to see with his imagination—the eyes of his heart—the future that God had already written.

What future do you see for yourself?

Your family?

Your finances?

Your health?

When you look at your current situation, do you see a life of limitations? Or do you see what could be? Are you looking with your physical eyes or with the eyes of your heart?

It’s easy to think that imagination is used in childhood and set aside as we grow and mature. But using your imagination isn’t just for child’s play. We use our imagination all the time. Fear and worry are nothing more than negative uses of our imagination.

What could happen to you if you allowed God to paint a different picture of your future in your imagination?

When we learn to dwell on the future God has for us, not the one defined by our lack and limitations, we begin to be drawn toward it. Joshua had to see victory over Jericho internally before it became an external reality. The same is true for you and me.

So, what do you see for your life and future?



Kevin Scoggin

Seeking to live as connected to God, self, and others as possible!