We Are Definitely Possessed!

We hate to be controlled, but we were built to be controlled

3 min readJan 6, 2020


Powers are working under their unique authorities that rule over the human mind and fill us with an uncontrollable love that makes us deaf and blind to anything contrary.

We often conclude in our minds a decision over a certain matter and end up doing exactly that which we planned to avoid.

I used to work so hard to reduce my sugar intake. My strong will was not to eat cakes or drink beverages with high sugar content, but I still consume lots of carbohydrates and candies. The bottom line is I still consume a significant amount of what I vowed to avoid.

Power is the ability to do a thing, while authority is the command of several powers.

Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.(Psalms 49:20, NKJV)

Imagine a wealthy man with great riches and power who is stripped of his wealth. Immediately, all his power would vanish. He would have no more friends.

Money gets you friends (Proverbs 19:4), buys you stuff, and gives you power but not authority.

The devil doesn’t stop you from singing and composing melodious songs as you used to. The devil doesn’t stop you from taking your spiritual medications. The devil doesn’t stop you from attending church services. The devil doesn’t stop you if you preach Jesus to the whole continent.

What he doesn’t want is you bowing in obedience to the authority of God’s kingdom.

When we totally submit to an authority (King) of a kingdom, we show complete loyalty to the King, and we are said to be possessed by Him. Whatever is said and commanded by that King is our final order. No questions or doubts.

When you bow to Satan’s authority, you are all about yourself. You stop writing, praying, reading the Bible, and preaching Jesus.

Well, it’s strange to be strongly possessed against our self-will and natural love. However, it’s weirder to be possessed (walking and working) against the will of God for our lives.

We are definitely possessed, and you should know it by now. The question is under whose authority are we?

God can stop your success; He will never do it (Jeremiah 29:11).

Satan cannot stop your success, although he often wants to do it (Luke 10:17–20, Colossians 2:14–15).

Don’t stop yourself.

Blessings and love.

A price was paid for our freedom. Nevertheless, freedom is a process: a process towards absolute freedom. Salau Shina Samuel’s writings focus on the process of absolute freedom in Christ and how to walk in this freedom. Connect with me via Facebook and email.

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"Nothing costs too much if its story is told right" • Storyteller • Writer • Poet • Lover of God🌴