What are you hungry for?

Karen Toews
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2019
photo credit: Jonathan Pielmayer, unsplash.com

Several times every day my physical body gets hungry — I need nourishment. We all do.

Food. What a wonderful creation: this gift all wrapped up with beautiful colours and fragrance, tasty flavours and textures!

As a nutrition consultant and coach, a recipe hound and someone who loves to cook and eat good food, I spend a lot of time researching and writing about nutrition.

However, in this post I’m removing all those hats while we pause to consider: what are you and the people at your table and mine, really hungry for?

For all its potential goodness, food is not the sole solution to our hunger.

Providing Nourishment in Body And Soul For Those At Our Table

  • Yes, good food matters! But a simple menu served in an atmosphere that says welcome, how are you? feeds both the soul and the taste buds.
  • Adjust expectations for your hospitality reputation. Go simple. Buy a supermarket roasted chicken and bag of salad. Are you a cook with a signature dish that is your thing? Stuff it with love and repeat often.
  • Eating together can be the catalyst to connect with those who are not (yet) part of our circle: immigrants, seniors, singles. When encouraged, most people want to share their stories. Some may need more time.
  • Have you noticed how long we linger after a meal where the table has been set with conversation, friendship, laughter, and inclusion? It feels healthy. The Bible and other sacred texts support how the sharing of bread and wine is at the heart of connection. The table truly is a sacred place.

“If the home is a body, the table is the heart, the beating centre, the sustainer of life and health.” Shauna Niequist, Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes (referral link)

  • Do you live by yourself and eat many meals solo? Gift yourself in appreciating your own company. Rather than settling for ‘just anything to eat’, invest love and beauty in your food as you would for others. You can make your own food choices and rules. Shopping, prepping, cooking is all your effort; enjoy the privilege that you can also decide if (which!) movie with dinner will be yours too!
Photo Credit: Karen Toews

Discovering and providing what people are hungry for can be a challenge. But take heart in providing meals and moments for connection. It is vital and satisfying for everyone’s health — including your own.

This story is published in Koinonia — stories to encourage, entertain, and empower you in your faith, food, fitness, family and fun.



Karen Toews

Enthusiastic coach for vibrant inspired living. Energized by family. nature. food. hiking. writing. God’s beloved-in-progress. https://karentoews.com/free-gifts