What Happens Next Graduates After You Toss Your Hats in the Air

Write your own stories

Ruth Ann Holloway-Adams
3 min readJun 29, 2018


Last evening was the twenty-fourth graduation ceremony for a high school I teach at. Graduation is the highlight of my teaching year, a time to watch with pride as our Grade 12 students walk across the stage to receive their certificates and awards.

The principal said in her address that these young men and women had the ability to create their lives. I thought that while some circumstances would be out of their control, their responses would always be their own.

More years ago than seem possible, a group of my fellow high school graduates and I stood on the stage of the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute.

The principal announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, here are your Ontario Scholars!”

It was a proud moment. The hundred dollars we each received went a lot further than it would now but the biggest reward was in the achievement itself.

Our moment in the spotlight was also balm to the soul. Since graduation took place during October, most of us had already experienced our first weeks of university or other destinations, and with them the sometimes difficult transition period change involves.

The future was before us, unknown, full of possibilities

I knew what my goals were: to become an English teacher, write, marry and have children. Even though, I have done all these things I could never have anticipated what lay ahead. I had no idea that my future husband sat at the back of the room in my Canadian Literature course.

I would never have envisioned that his job would take us across Canada, that our first child would be born in Saskatchewan and graduate from high school in Nova Scotia. There would be difficulties to face, loss and family tragedies, but also unexpected opportunities, adventures, and rich relationships. My strong faith in God would always empower me to rebuild and carry on.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

With God, there are always new beginnings

At the end of last night’s ceremony, the students threw their hats into the air.

This is always my favorite part: a celebration of the past and a nod to the future!

Congratulations and much happiness to our graduates! Write your own stories

Life awaits you. Seize it and use it wisely!

Originally published at https://ruthannadams.com on June 29, 2018.

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Ruth Ann Holloway-Adams

Mother of five. High school teacher. Writer. Passionate about encouraging others and sharing God’s love. Blog site: 5 X Mama, ruthannadams.com.