The Quality of Mercy

What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

The Key to Discerning the Voice of God

Elizabeth Erlandson
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2021


The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Ps. 103:8, NIV)

The voice in my head

The pharmacy near my childhood home had a section of magazines tucked in the back of the store. Occasionally I would sneak off in the afternoon, select a comic book, settle myself on the floor and read. My presence didn’t seem to bother anyone.

Then one day, a new manager showed up and scolded me, “This is not a library. Either buy that book or get out!”

I was a kid. My pockets were empty. I slinked out of the store, feeling humiliated.

I know now I didn’t have the right to read those books for free. However, the voice of that manager haunted me for a long time; it was harsh and condemning. I felt anxious and ashamed. I never went back to that store.

Is it God? The enemy? Or my own desires?

People often ask, “How can I know God is speaking to me? How can I be sure it isn’t the enemy? Or maybe I’m just talking to myself.”



Elizabeth Erlandson

Totally sold out to Jesus Christ, in Whom I find ever-increasing joy. Wife to Doug. Mother of two. Urban gleaner. Retired candy store owner. Devotional writer.