What I Learned Studying the Fruits of Spirit

Anger and stress are not listed as spiritual fruit

Brandon Swader
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by Hüseyin on Unsplash

Writing about the nine fruits of spirit was an amazing experience and one that helped me to grow closer to God while allowing me to think hard about each fruit.

The fruits being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

These fruits are challenging to master but are an amazing starter for prayers to God.

Talking to God about these fruits as I wrote was an invigorating experience, as I began to think about anger and stress in different ways.

Anger and stress aren’t fruits of spirit for a reason; these feelings don’t need to be in our lives.

Our faith in God can assure these feelings aren’t anymore.

When we feel anger and stress, whether it be about our work, our health, or our future, we need to remember God’s promise to us.

God promises to work out all of our struggles on His own, with a little help from us.

All we need to do for God to get us through all of our struggles is to try our best to trust Him at all costs, no matter the circumstances.

When something isn’t going your way, trust God.

When the days feel like weeks due to the constant stress, put your stress up on the shelf, and trust God.

When anger is fueling your body, and every word you speak comes out in an angered yell, trust God.

In all ways and all circumstances, trust God.

